© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

Music, Books, and Blogs

Quiet Time with God

Posted on Mar 11, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized
It is my habit to begin my day with quiet time with the Lord reading his Word and contemplating to assimilate my findings into the data bank which is my brain/mind. By reading and understanding, we give life to the dead letter (written words). The process of blending those new ideas and concepts with the knowledge and truth with which we reason causes the written words we read to live. We learn like the cow eats. The cow grazes and the grass when swallowed is partially digested in the first of two stomachs. The cow later ruminates (chews the cud) and swallows the second time into the second stomach. Humans think and learn in the same fashion. When first presented with a previously unknown fact or idea the concept is caught by the mind but not fully understood. This stage is called knowledge. The real illumination is resultant from contemplation and deductive reasoning which is understanding (ability to apply the knowledge). That’s how we understand all things. Knowledge without understanding is reciting a chapter of calculus word for word but being unable to solve a calculus problem. The perception of fact or truth and the ability to reason with it is one of the greatest traits which makes us like our Creator. We were created in his Image and we think in a similar manner. Quiet time is when we set aside one on one sessions with God. He likes that. That’s why he created us; to have communion with us. The more we meet with Him the more we become like Him and align our will with His will. I love my quiet time with God and I also like our quiet time together when we walk hand in hand and discuss all those ‘us topics’ (that which is unique to our love).
I need my God and I also need you Kochana. I look forward each day to our time together and our quiet time with God.

May our Lord and Savior abide in our love forever, Kochany


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