© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

Music, Books, and Blogs


Posted on Oct 27, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

Dear Eve, the sunshine of my life,

The moon and planets in our solar system are examples of reflections. We see them because the light of our sun reflects off them to our eyes. Stars, on the other hand, emit energy in the form of light. We observe a shining orb of solar flares in our sun, which is close enough for observation. When we see the moon, it is actually reflected sunlight, that enables our eye to visualize the shape, elevations and craters of this uninhabited non-atmospheric satelite of our planet earth. In our walk with God in Christ, we can be either sun like or planet like. We can choose to merely orbit the Son and reflect His light as it reflects our works of goodness and accomplishment in our own strength (ministry of works based on the letter of the law) or we can walk with Him in faith with the resultant works (the law of grace) which builds the Kingdom of God. The law and the prophets were reflected light of the Son of God off the good intentions and works of men with no avenue of approach to a Holy God. The coming of Christ brought restoration of communion with Creator God which had been cut off in the Garden of Eden by the flaming sword (Word of God) which turned all ways to keep the way of truth. When we internalize the Word and teachings of God we emit the light of Christ which is observed by all who see us and God is glorified. Though we and all men began their walk as reflections, we draw nearer to Jesus, receive Him in faith and proclaim Him in the light of His revealing Word which emanates from Him and shines in our hearts and minds as a light set on a hill that the lost may see His light in us and be saved.

He is just and true to His own, Kochany


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