© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Revisiting Scenes from the Past

Posted on May 8, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

Dearest Eve, the woman brought to me from a distant land,

It is good to revisit our old homeland and visit friends and family on occasion. A short stay at the old home place is refreshing as we recall holidays, family gatherings and traditions we still hold dear. Former neighbors, classmates, family and friends make our time more enjoyable but most of what we now hold dear is in a new location. New friends, neighbors and family share our present life. Our yearnings for the sweet memories from the past are in the past and only exist in our heart and mind. The present is filled with a new reality which only includes us for a short window of time when we re-enter the existing circumstances and conditions of our old home. In reality we are no longer part of that lifestyle. We no longer belong. Home is where we belong and home is with the family we have been given by the Most High God. Through memory we can cherish the golden moments of days gone by but we cannot re-enter that epoch because it no longer exists outside of our heart and mind. Every man looks back on past accomplishments and challenges and we even wish at times we could go back to them. A song from the musical ‘The Long Journey Home’ says it well.

The Long Journey Home       words and music by Randy Suits           copyright 2017

‘Cast out of the land where I lived for so long,
My heart is homesick and heavy.
For my neighbors I knew and the friends that I loved,
I wish that I had them here with me.
For my sister so sweet was a comfort to me,
We would talk of our worries and troubles.
And my brother would tease but he cared so for me,
Keep them safe Lord I trust them to Thee.

I praise Thee! I praise Thee!
With my heart mind and soul Lord I praise Thee!
Safely. Safely.
You will guide on the long journey home.’

The horses and goats and the sheep that I raised,
I must trust my brother to tend them.
The stables need straw and the wheat must be sown,
The fences need someone to mend them.
In this land that I leave, there are pieces of me,
If I could I’d go back and reclaim them.
Lord I come to your gate in that heavenly state,
Where you’re waiting to welcome us home.

I praise Thee! I praise Thee!
With my heart mind and soul Lord I praise Thee!
Safely. Safely.
You will guide on the long journey home.’

We’ve left all we own for a heavenly home,
But it’s hot and dry in this desert,
And we’re thirsty all day for our water we save,
For we’ve just enough to cross over.
But we look to the time, in our new home sublime,
Where we’ll eat drink and all will be merry.
For our trials will pass, we’ll behold you at last,
When you’ll kiss us and welcome us home.

I praise Thee! I praise Thee!
With my heart mind and soul Lord I praise Thee!
Safely. Safely.
You will guide on the long journey home.’

The Lord and I look forward to your safe return to our home and trust that your brief sojourn into your old life will stimulate a greater appreciation of all the blessings our God has given us which is far superior to all the memories of the past.

Yours in Christ always, Kochany


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