© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Seared Ahi Tuna at Toulouse Restaurant in Saugatuk, Michigan

Posted on Mar 2, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

Eve, my bride,

We seem to save the best for last and we did it again when we stopped in Saugatuk, Michigan to eat at Ida Reds restaurant. I remembered it from 1996 when I ordered my very first ‘harvest grain and nut’ pancakes. Having related this story to you every time I order pancakes at IHOP this was to be the occasion when you could taste and see for yourself all the marvelous culinary sensations of this family eatery known for all natural food. Our 3 hour trip to Grand Haven State Park delayed arrival in Saugatuk well into the dinner hour and Ida Reds, serving only breakfast and lunch had closed for the day. Also all available parking was now filled with tourists strolling the streets, frequenting shops or eating as it was the dinner hour. I asked a local resident walking past an art shoppe about a good restaurant and he recommended Toulouse just 3 blocks up the street. The French Cheff prepares meals fit for royalty. Each entree is a work of art. I photographed our meals as a momento of a splendid evening. It was our last meal together on our way home. God worked an even greater work of art when he personally crafted you, my Kochana. Our vacations highlight each year and we return home with scenic pictures, exhausted from our travels but you are the greatest wonder of my world. Though our culinary experience at Toulouse Restaurant was a magnificent climax to our vacation, you remain the ultimate pleasure to me. I thank our Holy God in heaven for the taste of heaven on earth you are to me.

Let’s have breakfast at Ida Reds in Saugatuk next time, Kochany


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