Self-Evident Truths
Dear Eve, my naturalized Citizen wife,
Every man and woman, born in sin – that’s everyone, must willfully separate from the tyranny of satan and declare independence from the oppressive, enslaving thought processes designed to keep us sub-serviant to the evil master of the dark catacombs of death (separation from the Most High God). Only by acting upon our God-given right to assert our will to choose life, by receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal savior, will we be set free from the bonds of fear, indoctrination, intimidation and oppression which tightens its grip upon us each day we delay declaring our independence in Jesus Christ. Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and savior is not a choice, it is a life restoring decision. With this decision we claim the authority to decide who to serve and we gain the right to choose from all the opportunities and benefits which that decision provides. When we decide to follow Christ, the Holy Spirit reveals to our minds to the freedom in God which opens our mind and heart to self-evident truths hidden from us in our bondage to sin. The second sentence in the United States Declaration of Independence is one of the most quoted statements on human rights.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Most of the colonists of the British Crown accepted their plight of serving a Monarch and imperial system of government which failed to serve the needs of their subjects. That the colonists did not want to revolt against the crown is a historical fact. The great majority of them were of English descent with like cultural values and laws. In one sentence the Declaration of Independence laid out God given rights which no man, government or evil spiritual system could deny its citizens. Any reasonable man or woman could expect this of all powers, thrones and dominions governing over them. This required no proof because these principles were self-evident, even a fool could understand this. The Law of the Most High God is also self-evident. Because it was spoken by Creator God, it required no proof. The accuser (satan) did not attack the law of God. He (the great liar satan) attacked instead the integrity of God by suggesting that God was lying when He said that the original creation couple would surely die in the day that they ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The temptation which the serpent (satan/the devil) set before Eve was without evidence, as all empty promises are. He offered Eve a taste of nothing (this is true of all temptation – there was no food value in that fruit for it was devoid of life. All food (physical or spiritual) is a product of life and it will sustain the physical body). However the self-evident, God given, unalienable rights including Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness which were denied the colonists by King George III are also denied to all men by the Most Low Lucifer who usurped the authority and ownership of everything God planned and intended for the blessing and happiness of man. But when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and redeemer, we reclaim our property (our souls) and conquer our rebellious and sinful will. Christ came to set the captives free for Jesus said, (John 10:10) “I have come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.” Thus we claim the self-evident truth that Jesus Christ is King of Kings, Lord of Lords and the Son of the Most High God and we receive power to become sons of God. Amen to the infinite power.
I love you, this is a self-evident truth, Kochany