© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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The 40 Year One on One

Posted on Apr 14, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

In our business and professional tenure we had a weekly one on one with our manager to review our current assigned projects, current progress, recent set backs, unexpected or known obstacles and the path forward. During these meetings we became very familiar with the temperament, thoughts, business practices and morals of our direct superior. The best successes occur when all team members  co-ordinate their efforts in a blend of unity, harmony, solidarity and teamwork. The Swiss mantra was ‘One for all and all for one.’ We signed on to each assignment and project with great expectation and a shared goal in the completion of a superior engineering accomplishment. We learned from other team members and each new endeavor added experience and new skills to our ability. We became better engineers by working together and working through often extreme approaches to a problem, unseen  obstacle, interference or obstruction to the successful completion of the project. There were many meetings when we would sit down and discuss the most cost efficient solution which would surpass our original goal. During our professional careers we not only learned many new concepts and premises but we also unlearned many theories and commonly accepted facts which our experience and job applications taught us were untrue. Much one on one exposure to examine and enact solid engineering practice yielded an experienced, job tested, professional capable of recognizing failed strategies or concepts. Our improved ability, to know the best avenue of implementation from the flawed strategy, was the difference between good execution and failure. In every profession or vocation the recognition of truth precludes error. In the life of Moses, we see an example of how the Most High God untaught human ignorance, arrogance, bondage and false self sufficiency (ungodly independence) and then replaced it with (retaught) Moses Godly truth, humility,  freedom in spirit, mind and soul and the Way to eternal Life. When Moses fled from Pharaoh he arrived on the back side of the desert as a man who knew about God but he did not know the true God or his ways. God instructed him during the next forty years of preparation. He would tear down the leader in the court of Pharaoh and remake Moses into an humble, obedient servant who could and would receive every divine oracle, command and instruction from the mind of God so that he could be the mouth of God in the liberation of the enslaved nation of Israel. God lead him there to begin a 40 year period of one on one experiences in tending sheep and living in the fields. He also married and and had two sons. The wife and children provided real object lessons and examples of the mind of our Heavenly Father in his parenting role with his children of men. He learned a new lifestyle and set aside the grand and noble thoughts, concepts and benefits of life in the court of Pharaoh. The longer he stayed in solitude as a lonely shepherd, the more he died to the material man of royalty. The more he died to error and the pleasures of privilege, the more his mind and soul were released to recover and become the man God created him to be. All that he learned in the courts of Pharaoh shackled him in subjection to the carnal mind of man enslaved by satan. God took Moses to the back side of the desert to first gradually die to himself that God might gradually fill him with truth and the submissiveness required to listen only to the voice of God. (Notice that in the grand scheme of God, he gradually conquers and subdues an errant character, each time simultaneously replacing it with life sustaining and life giving truth. This is how he works with every godly person). The end of his forty years of Godly instruction culminated in a graduation ceremony in the presence of God, his holy mentor, at the burning bush. Following his burning bush experience, Moses would speak with God face to face. Exodus 33:1 ‘Thus The Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, just as a man speaks to his friend’. Conquering Pharaoh, who was an agent of the devil, was a job only the Most High God could do. The deliverance of Israel from the hand of Pharaoh was head to head combat of All Mighty God and the most low lucifer. Not much is said in scripture about the interaction of God with Moses during his 40 year one on one with God but we see the results in the deliverance of the nation of Israel from 400 years of bondage and the following victorious entrance into Canaan, the promised land, flowing with milk and honey.

May our one on one together only be precluded by our one on one with God in Christ, Kochany


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