The Badlands and Buffalo Burgers
My Kochana,
On our way to Yellowstone Park and Jackson Hole, Wyoming, we drove through the badlands of South Dakota with mile upon mile of rocky desert and jagged rock formations jutting out of the earth. It was a striking and even breath taking view from the safety of our ride. If we had been stranded by fate in that environment we would have soon required water. In the midst of the badlands off of Interstate 90 was the town of Wall, South Dakota and a famous tourist attraction called Wall Drug. Anyone who stopped was given a free drink of water. This was an oasis in the middle of the badlands and Wall Drug Store has grown to a massive gift shop, restaurant (they serve Buffalo Burgers), and yes, even a drug store. The rock formations in the desert of sin are appealing to the eye gate, but they are death to the soul. From the safety of our Godly hiding place, the dangers are understated and hidden. Our God given inquisitive nature wants answers and we deduce in error without His guidance and instructions. It is written, “my people die from lack of knowledge.” However it is knowledge resultant from disobedience that destroys us. We are to query everything except the commands of the Most High God. If we step out into badlands of sin, we do so without our God. Separation from God is to be plucked from the vine (Jesus Christ) of Life. Apart from the vine of God, we wither and die. Right now let us praise and thank our Lord and Savior for all that He does for us to sustain life of the body, soul and spirit. May we emulate our Savior in our devotion to each other. As He assumed our shame on the cross may we shamelessly lift Him up in worship as the only begotten Son of God the Father. May our cup run over with love for Christ for each other. That is his way with the children of man. Our stop at Wall drug and our buffalo burger will always be an inspiration in days to come of His faithfulness to our needs as he always gives us a free drink of satisfying life giving spiritual water. The love of our Lord Jesus Christ abide with you always,
In Christ, Kochany