© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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The Beautiful Mind of Queen Esther

Posted on Mar 1, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

My darling Eve, with the Beautiful Mind,

In the Scriptures the Book of Esther records the work of God Most High protecting his people and delivering them from sure annihilation by the evil design of Haman son of Hammedatha, the Agagite. In anger Ahasuerus had deposed Queen Vashti and wanted a wife to replace her. To find a Queen for King Ahasuerus a search was made throughout the kingdom for beautiful virgins and the one who pleased the King would be his wife and Queen. Mordecai, of the tribe of Benjamin, had a cousin named Hadassah whom he had brought up because she had neither father or mother. She was shapely and beautiful and when the kings’ order went out she was taken to the kings’ palace. She won his favor and was provided beauty treatments and special food. Each woman had time with the king and when the time came for Esther to go before the king, she was taken to King Ahasuerus in the royal residence. The king was attracted to Esther more than to any of the other women and she won his favor and approval. So he set a royal crown on her head and she became his queen. Esther had kept the secret of her nationality just as Mordecai had instructed her for she continued to follow his instructions as she had done when he was bringing her up. When the wicked Haman was promoted to a seat higher than all the nobles, Mordecai refused to bow to him and Haman hated him for this. Haman determined to destroy all the people of Mordecai who happened to be the people of Queen Esther. By misrepresenting the Isralites as enemies of the King who did not obey his laws, king Ahasuerus agreed to allow him to destroy all the jews dispersed across the vast kingdom of Persia. Immediately Mordecai fasted in sack cloth and ashes and queen Esther inquired why he was fasting. He sent word to her about the proclamation written by Haman to extinguish all Jews in the kingdom on the 13th day of the12th month of Nisson. He asked her to go to the king and intercede for her people. She knew that she could not approach the king unless the king summoned her, but after consideration she agreed to go and said, “Go and gather all the Jews in Susa and fast for me. Do not eat for 3 days, night or day. I will fast also. After this I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.” Fasting was accompanied by prayer. Fasting and prayer bolster our faith and crystalize our focus on the intent of God at that precise hour. She knew the necessary steps in her approach to God. He could give her favor in the eyes of the king. It is written in Proverbs, ‘He (God) turns the hearts of kings’. She would obey God even if she had to give her life for His cause. She chose to do what was right regardless of the consequences. The book of Esther is the only book in the Bible which does not mention God by name, but we see Him working in the lives of his servants and we know that they know Him by their panic free reaction to danger and their humble and correct approach to Him. As we read, we perceive that He is standing in the shadows observing the events as they unfold. God is always standing in the shadows, keeping watch over His own. When she went to the king, he was glad to see her for God gave her favor in the eyes of mighty King Xerxes. He extended the scepter for her to approach the throne. She approached and touched the tip of the scepter. Her faith brought about the reversal of Hamans’ evil  plan and the destruction of all the enemies of the Jews in the kingdom on the same day Haman had planned for the Jews’ demise. The beautiful mind of Queen Esther was the saving grace of a nation in obedience to and faith in the only All Powerful, All Knowing God for her wise instruction caused the dispersed nation to fast and pray as well. She knew the voice and instruction of the Most High God as spoken through her uncle Mordecai, even after she had been elevated to Queen (she was humble and approachable in greatness). She remained obedient to her uncle and trusted completely in the God of her fathers and the Most High God used her to deliver Esther and her people from destruction. God did not fail her nor will he fail us when we call out to Him in urgent prayer. He never fails! He always comes in time but never before He is needed. By waiting until the last moment to intervene all possible last minute maneuvers by the enemy are circumvented. This is the wisdom of the Most High God, our always dependable deliverer.  Her beautiful mind was a product of her beautiful heart and these exceeded her natural beauty. My Kochana Ewa, you are beautiful for the eye to see. When God brought you to me, the attraction was immediate but it was your beautiful mind and heart that won my heart and set my hopes and desires in you. You are beautiful to our Lord God and you satisfy my soul as no other. I daily give thanks for you.

Beautiful, that’s what you are to Jesus,
Beautiful, that’s what you are to me.
Beautiful to anyone who sees us,
Is our love for all the world to see.

You are my lovely queen, Kochany


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