The Dreams We Share Today
Hopes and plans for the near and distant future are sweet when we are alone. The moments of bliss in those tender passions give birth to dreams of our two hearts united as one. As Abigail Adams wrote to her sister from Paris regarding her reunion with her husband, “You know …… that poets and painters wisely draw a veil over those scenes which surpass the pen of one or the pencil of the other……” A healthy and vigorous love lives dreams past in the present and imagines dreams future to redeem in days to come. Tonight I cling to our dreams and reach out to you as sleep calls me to repose. Will you speak to me in the night in a dream? When we met there were possibilities with much anxiety and uncertainty. Did I or did I not do this or that. Did I respond to your comments in a manner that showed my deep feeling for you? Were you uncomfortable because of an error on my part? I was uneasy at first because pleasing you mattered more than anything I can remember. Dreams are essential to a resilient relationship which springs back even stronger after spending itself. In dreams we visualize what will be and virtually live the future, fortifying the plans we set forth.
God works through our dreams and He gives them to prepare us for His plans for our lives. The dreamer Joseph bore the wrath and ire of his father, mother and 10 brothers because of a two dreams he dreamed. That dream was for the whole family as God foretold His plans for the family. God intended the dreams to assure the family that He had a plan. Satan, working through the fallen sin nature of the 11 brothers fomented the situation resulting in the sale of Joseph into Egyptian servitude as a slave. We see from the story that God had to train Joseph to be a wise ruler who would always obey God Almighty, for it was God who would deliver the family from the coming famine and multiply those seventy souls into a great nation. While Jacob his father wept for Joseph his son and his brothers carried the shame and guilt of wrongful vengeance against their brother, Joseph was falsely accused and sent to prison. In prison Joseph died to his dreams and placed his faith and obedience in the God of his dreams.
God gave him the gift of understanding dreams and he ultimately interpreted the dream of Pharaoh regarding the 7 years of plenty followed by 7 years of famine. Pharaoh made him supreme ruler of Egypt for his wisdom and Joseph brought the family to Egypt and provided for them and his father.
Let us be thankful for the dreams our Heavenly Father has given us. We live them now, dream new ones in their place and we will also live those out in days to come. We can be sure that our God who caused us to hope in each other when our love was as tiny as a grain of mustard seed, is able and will cause us to do his good pleasure. Please remember that I love you tonight and may we cling to each other knowing that our hopes, plans and intentions are rooted in Christ Jesus.
Kochana, the dreams we share today we will live tomorrow in joy and happiness. Because I know you love me, I am a better person.
Yours in Christ, Kochany