© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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The Great Polish, East German and Eastern Europe Land Grab

Posted on Jun 9, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

My dearest Eve, who lived history as it was lived and not as it was written,

They were supposed to be liberators. The Americans and British were liberators. Shortly after the surrender of Nazi Germany, The American government initiated the Marshall Plan, a restoration plan for Western Germany, France, Italy and all of western Europe. New democratic capitalist governments were set up in those western European nations and funds were provided for the rebuilding of war time devastation. There was much to do and the Most High God worked through the American Marshall Plan to revive the spirits of victors and defeated alike. It was a time of forgiveness. It was time for a new direction. Personal freedoms and liberties were restored and initiative and creativity encouraged for a better world. The west fought the war for the betterment of man and freedom to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The Russians were engaged in a life or death fight for their nation. Only the advancing armies of Allied forces to the west and south of Germany enabled them to defeat the superior army of Germany. Under the Yalta Treaty terms, the Russians were given the task of restoring East Europe. The understanding was that all the nations under their sphere of influence would be liberated and given the right to set up a government that best suited their citizens. (Reader understand: The communists agree quickly and readily to terms of compromise. They promise and agree to those terms which cannot be altered in the initial agreement. They immediately begin to re-define the terms to negate the agreed upon decision. This destroys the spirit and the truth of the law. The communists replace it with the letter of the law and the lies of the devil making the law authorized by the goodness of God into empty promises designed to enslave a people against their will and to defy the Most High God).  The communist Russians again double crossed the Most High God, the world and each nation who welcomed them as liberators. The liberation of Eastern Europe became the great Polish, East German and Eastern Europe land grab.  Communist Russia, under Joseph Stalin mercilessly plundered and ruthlessly dominated the free people under their influence. There were no free elections, no open participation in writing new constitutions or discussions regarding the type of government the great majority of citizens needed and wanted. The Nation was named the Peoples Republic of Poland under the auspices of the puppet Polish Communist party, but the government was anything but a nation with free elections and laws representing the wishes of the people. Communism is always a conspiracy of a few to the detriment of the many. The Polish Communists were guilty of high treason against the Polish nation. They rejected an independent Polish state, expecting a Bolshevik triumph in Poland (it would never come) and an outbreak of revolution in Germany. (Germany would be reunited and liberated from Russian domination). The Poles and Germans never trusted the Russians and over the next 50 years were instrumental in the collapse of power in Communist Russia. The communists were forced to build a wall around West Berlin to prevent East Germans from escaping and fleeing to the west (a great embarrassment and proof positive that socialism and subjection is inferior to freedom and capitalism). Antoni and Antonina had honed the skills of the double life during the Nazi occupation. They knew how to appear socialist but believed and knew in their hearts and minds that the way and promises of God were truth. They never compromised Godly truth for the communist lie. God used the next fifty years to temper the Polish people as He lead them to the promise of independence. God was training a young Pole who would be Pope of the Catholic Church, in the heat of the communist furnace of affliction, under the noses of his tyrannical overlords. Let us remember when we are oppressed that God is on our side and he will fight for us just as He did for Antoni, Antonina, the Polish and East German people. If God is for us, who can be against us. Antoni and Antonina defeated their captors every day. They went forth each day but their God went before them and the enemy communist state could not lay a hand on them.

We are in awe and wonder of the mighty Delivering Power of the Most High God, Kochany


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