© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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The Harvest of Love

Posted on Oct 15, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

My precious Kochana,

After the gentle rains of spring, the hot sun of summer and the onset of autumn comes the harvest of corn, wheat and soy beans. These are three major crops which feed our nation and the world. These foods do not grow naturally but require the husbandry of men. The farmers of our world are the first line of defense and the greatest requirement of the prosperity and wealth of any nation. All economies require an adequate food supply to function at maximum efficiency. Wars are fought, won and lost over the need for food. Thus a robust harvest is as vital to the community and nation as it is to the farmer who earns his wages from it.
As we salute our farmers, let us also recognize Adam, the first farmer. The work God gave to him and his wife was to ‘dress it (the garden) and to keep it.’ All who have a vegetable garden know that weeds must be cut out of the garden for the fruit to maximize the strength of the soil. The food yielding plant is shielded and protected from any and all other plants which might reduce yield or even choke it out. God had planted a garden eastward in Eden and He put the man in it to tend it. God saw that a man was required to dress it (cut back, trim & plant) and keep it (maintain it daily and keep a Godly balance in the Garden). God gave man a reasoning mind like his own (‘let us create man in our image’). A garden is a controlled and ordered environment. He created man with passion for order. A jungle is an example of nature without a man to order and subdue it.
God placed Adam and Eve in a perfect environment, the physical and spiritual garden. The spiritual garden was the first pair and God. God was and is the only source of life and there was no interference between creator and creation. Because He wanted a harvest of love, he instructed Adam and Eve but allowed them the choice to love Him (obey) or themselves (disobey). He wanted a harvest of love which would sustain his beloved children and glorify Himself. Sin was the result of the love of self above the love of God the Father. Love flows in a circuit, from us to God and back to us or from us to others and back again. Love of self is a short circuit. An electrical stream with no outlet destroys the source of the interference. Self love is a short circuit which always destroys its’ host. Self love is in fact false love or hatred. Satan is the greatest example of self love. Let us learn to hate sin and love our gracious Heavenly Father for it is written, “do I not hate those who hate you? I hate them with perfect hatred”. Perfect hatered is to hate those who hate God.
As I love God the Father, let me tell you that I also love you, my kochana, both for what you are to God and what you are to me. I love you because you love God first and therefore have even more love for me as a result. May we each be a harvest of love to our Lord God, daily giving thanks and praise to His Holy Name that we ‘may dwell in the house of the Lord forever.’ The grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with you forever,
Yours in love, Kochany


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