The Legend of Smok Wawelsky – A Polish Fairy Tale
Eve, my Kochana, I’m going to retell a story that you heard as a small girl about the dragon from Wawel Castle,
‘During the reign of King Krak, the legendary founder of Kraków there was a monster named Smok Wawelsky. Each day the evil dragon would beat a path of destruction across the countryside, killing the civilians, pillaging their homes and devouring their livestock. The dragon especially enjoyed eating young maidens, and could only be appeased if the townsfolk left a young girl in front of its cave once a month. The King wanted to kill the dragon, but his bravest knights fell to its fiery breath. In the course of time, every girl in Kraków was sacrificed except one, the King’s daughter Wanda. In desperation, the King promised his beautiful daughter’s hand in marriage to anyone who could kill the dragon. Great warriors from near and far fought for the prize and failed. One day a poor cobbler’s apprentice named Skuba accepted the challenge. He stuffed a lamb with sulphur and set it outside the dragon’s cave. The dragon ate it and soon became incredibly thirsty. He turned to the Vistula River for relief and drank and drank. But no amount of water could quench his aching stomach, and after swelling up from drinking half the Vistula river, he exploded. Skuba married the King’s daughter and they lived happily ever after.’
Note: In 1970 a metal sculpture of the Wawel Dragon designed by Bronisław Chromy was placed in front of the dragon’s den, a small cave in Kraków. It has six legs. To the amusement of children, it noisily breathes fire every few minutes, from a natural gas nozzle in the sculpture’s mouth.
As a small girl you must have been frightened by this Polish legend but growing up in Kraków, close to Wawel Castle, you knew this was a fairy tale. I’m certainly glad Smok Wawelsky never existed, but for your hand, I could slay any dragon who dared to threaten you. Everyone has Smok (pronounced smoke) Wawelsky like dragons in their life that demand the sacrifice of those we love. We attempt in every way we know to defeat it and overcome. Sometimes we must rescue our dear ones from the brink of disaster. Other times we face down the enemy in hand to hand combat. God sometimes forces the devil to fight a battle he has already lost, as a teaching moment for his servants. This is not crazy. It is illuminating. Our God and his vanquished enemy satan know that the devil is a defeated foe. Jesus Christ defeated him on the cross and forever put him underfoot in the resurrection to sit at the right hand of His Holy Father, the Most High God. From our (the Lord and us) victorious battle, we learn that our God reigns, is all powerful and loves us so much that He even shares a portion of His glory in the eternal abolition of wickedness. Like the poor cobblers apprentice, I would have used unconventional methods to slay the dragon. Often I lift you up in prayer and know that our God will deliver you and us from the hand of Smok Wawelski situations which could be harmful, painful or destructive. I openly acknowledge before God, all the angels and the world that there are times when only a merciful God has delivered us from evil. King Krak and his daughter Wanda found deliverance in a Christ like person who vanquished the dragon (satan). Scripture and history teach us that when a situation reaches a point where none can escape and all hope is lost, God will always reveal and lift up a deliverer (Jesus Christs’ warrior). I would have used the Sword of the Lord (the Word of God) and in the power of the Holy Spirit, God through my hands would destroy that evil dragon and give us a joyful and happy life. When God brought you to me, he also gave me a desire, to protect you and have you, that could overcome any dragon standing between us.
I love you enough to defeat a dragon, Kochany