© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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The Power of Silence

Posted on Jan 20, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

Antonina and Krystyna September 1943

My dear Eve,

The joy of Antonina and Antoni was great in January 1943 when their first child, Krystyna, was born. The Polish people attempted to live normal lives during the occupation years. They had to go out into the streets daily to buy food and go to work. For the most part the streets were safe. There was always the danger of an unexpected łapanka (roundup) or arrest for suspicion of an offense based on interrogations or information by a Pole who, for money or special favors, reported activities to the Gestapo. One day Antoni and Antonina were walking down a street when two Nazi soldiers began to walk beside them. One of them was drunk and he began to tell Antoni that he was going to their home and sleep with his wife. The other soldier began to dissuade him. Antoni and Antonina remained silent and respectful. They began to walk in circles. They feared going home to their apartment. The drunken soldier continued to boast that he would sleep with Antonina but the young couple held their peace (remained silent). After about an hour, the drunken soldier was lead away by the other soldier and Antoni and Antonina returned home safely, without consequence. There are occasions when we are instructed to hold our peace so that we can experience the power of silence. Though Antoni spoke not a word, every man knows that he was enraged at the insolence and disrespect the inebriated soldier directed at his wife. He would fight for her honor but in this case to do so would only endanger her more. The test of a man is endangerment of his wife and family. Most personal insults a man will ignore, if directed at him. But he will instantly rebuff any threat against those he loves. He will fight and die for the woman he loves. He correctly recognized that he was dealing with an inebriated soldier with a gun. The best way to protect his precious Antonina was to stay alive, and look to God for deliverance. Antoni did not fear for his life, he feared for the life and honor of his wife and in so doing he learned the power of silence. In 2 Chronicles 20:17 the Word of God says, “But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the LORD’s victory. He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out against them tomorrow, for the LORD is with you!”  Moses encouraged the nation of Israel when they were pinned between the Egyptian army and the Red Sea. Exodus 14:13 says, “Don’t be afraid! Stand still and watch how the LORD will deliver you today, because you will never again see the Egyptians whom you’re looking at today.” The power of God is loudest when we are silent. In every threat or danger, our God is in control. When we turn to him, he will deliver us. When the religious leaders attempted to apprehend Christ with false charges, Jesus just walked through the crowd and left them empty handed. They had no power against Jesus for his Father God delivered him from treachery. We see in the lives of Antoni and Antonina the presence of a loving God who had a plan for their lives. There is a time for all things. There is a time to speak out but there is also a time to remain silent and see the Power of Silence, when the Lord our God will fight our battles for us.

Let us learn to wait upon the Lord in faith and know his power, Kochany


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