The Reality of the Unseen
Dear Kochana – My woman with the beautiful mind,
The basis for the physical universe is the invisible forces of gravity, inertia, matter, energy, atoms and magnetic fields to name but a few. Those objects and life forms we observe are dependent upon unseen laws that make all life possible. Life requires absolute predictability. The laws of aviation must function exactly the same every time the mechanics of flight are applied. When we slip or trip and lose our balance a fall is always the result. Because we learn these principles, man can adapt and live structured, planned lives. Relationships require the operation of the unseen as well. Love can’t be observed with the eye, but it can be measured by the actions it produces. Sadness can’t be weighed but its’ results are heavy on the soul of the bereaved. Happiness can’t be explained but it is an effervescence of feeling between two caring souls. Such is the existence of God that though He is unseen, He is seen (known) through the spiritual eye of every believer. When careful analysis is given it becomes apparent that those things that are unseen comprise and form the visible creation. That the unseen in the physical composes the visible, even so the unseen attributes of God form the body, mind and soul of man. Scripture says ‘God formed man of the dust of the earth and breathed into him the breath of life. And man became a living soul.’ From that creation day, the unseen manifested a being capable of moving, thinking and operating in a physical universe. It is astounding God would think to create a creature capable of emulating his creator. I am humbled that He created a visible, touchable, and lovely woman like you to care for me. I praise His great wisdom in the reality of the unseen.
Grateful that my eyes behold your beauty, Kochany