The Road Less Travelled
My Eva,
Where do we find the spectacular scenic views that demand a picture and stay indellibly written in memory? Where are the natural wonders that stun us when we behold them? Where are the environments which most stimulate thought and meditation of the mysteries of our world? We don’t find them on the interstate highways or the congested streets of Los Angeles or New York City. We discover these experiences on the road less travelled. During my visit to Capetown, South Africa I stayed in a B&B in Simonstown, the primary Naval Base of the South African Navy. Located just twenty miles outside Capetown, it is located in one of the most scenic portions of the coastline. The road from Simonstown to Cape Point (the Cape of Good Hope) is a winding coastal road along the Atlantic ocean at the base of Table Mountain foothills. Baboons often frequent the road and wild guineas inhabit the brush, bushes and high grass along the road side. My morning walks along this road were breathtaking and eye opening as I briskly trecked 10 kilometers in the stiff 15 to 20 mile per hour winds common to the area in spring and summer. With few distractions or traffic disruptions one can blend peacefully with nature untouched by human interference. Thinking is clearer without competing mental obstructions. Societal demands and social custom cannot distort perception or warp meaning by bending personal impressions and interpretations which make each person individual and unique. Most important of all, we can have a closet moment with God in prayer as we commune with Him uninterrupted by outside influences. Jesus said, “when you pray enter into a closet and let not your right hand know what the left hand is doing”. The right hand represents the things of our spirit or God. The left hand represents the needs and desires of the body or the flesh. The closet is a place where only you and God meet; a type of Holy of Holies. If God is there with you, it is a Holy of Holies, no matter where you are. Since it is a place for only you and God, satan cannot be with you. Therefore we are to leave the desires and pleasures of the flesh outside the prayer closet. We enter alone meaning without satan or ungodliness. Jesus was teaching us that prayer is just you and God. Satan can have no part in prayer for prayer requires humility and satan is proud and arrogant, two things which God eschews. Pride is a wall or a great chasm between God and us which the spirit (man or angels) cannot cross. It is war in its’ ugliest form, rebellion against both Creator and creation (our very soul). This is an unseen consequence of sin resulting in death, which is eternal separation from God. Since God is Life, in sin we travel the road of perdition which leads nowhere and becomes more desolate as we move farther and farther from the only source of Life. The prodigal son took his inheritance to set out on the wide road travelled by all who wander from God and His life giving principles. He soon squandered his wealth in revelry and wild living. When the son took a job feeding pigs, even longing for their food to fill his belly, it reveals that he had fallen as low as he could possibly go. He was as spiritually unclean as the unclean pigs he was feeding. This son represents a person living in rebellion to God. Sometimes we have to hit rock-bottom before we come to our senses and recognize our sin. He remembered that even the servants in his fathers’ house had plenty to eat. In shame and humility he returned and asked forgiveness and confessed his sin to his father, who welcomed him with a hug and kiss. Scripture says, ‘But the father said to his servants, “Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found”.’ (Luke 15:21-24) The road back to God is the road less travelled. It is the road which restores our broken relationsip with God the Father. Our God is in the spiritual road less travelled. Let us seek that road of righteous and enter through the narrow gate of holiness that we may forever abide in the Holy of Holies and be one in God the father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Let us seek Holiness unto the Lord, Kochany