© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

Music, Books, and Blogs

The Ship’s Log

Posted on Jan 16, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

My dear Eve, sweetest mariner in our life voyage,

Since ancient times men have traversed the open seas for commerce. In recent history huge personal yachts venture out into the ocean. With the advent of maritime travel, came a necessity to chart locations of ports of entry. Trade demanded reliable maps for vessels bound for ports in distant lands. A Ships’ Log was located in the Captains quarters to record daily locations, estimated speed and days to destination. This data was shared and gradually the catalogue of knowledge enabled safe and reliable passage for passengers and freight. The ships’ log remained with the ship for the life of the vessel. The history of every day on the sea was recorded for review by future captains. Each of us is a vessel in the sea of life. We also have a log upon which is recorded every decision, plan, scheme, accomplishment and near miss. God gave us a brain that stores all the thought impulses of our life. The fact that we can’t remember does not change the fact that it is all recorded in our minds. God can and will read it in that great judgment day when all men (male and female created He them) will stand before him to give account of their lives. God gave us memory to improve learning and reduce repetition of past error. It is the ships’ log of our life on earth. It is written in Rev. 20:12 ‘I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne; and the books were opened’. (their lives were reviewed and examined). Let us always remember that we continually make entries in our ‘log of life’ as we draw nearer to our reunion with our Lord Jesus Christ in God the Father.

Enjoying our cruise together in this life, Kochany


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