Too Wonderful for Words
My precious sweetheart Ewa,
Thank you for being. This Polish expression says as well as humanly possible the importance and reason for your presence in our/my (the Lord God Most High and me) life. Because you are Gods’ property and He is yours in Christ, your eternal being is not in question. Also, because I am Gods’ property and He is mine in Christ Jesus, my eternal being is certain as well. Just as we are one in our earthly life, we have been, are and forever will be one with God in Jesus Christ our Lord, redeemer and Savior who has sealed us in His Holy Spirit. That means we will be together forever, our salvation is forever absolute. This reality is too wonderful for words. We lift our hearts and voices up in praise to the Creator/Father who gives us life in His presence and assures us through every challenge, doubt or fear. To our Most High God, His Son Jesus the Christ and the Holy Spirit we shout out, “Thank you for being. Living in your presence is too wonderful for words”. When we have sufficiently praised and acknowledged our merciful heavenly Father, His Son and His Holy Spirit we look to one another in the anointing of the Holy spirit and say, “Thank you for being. Living in your presence too wonderful for words”. In Gods Holy spirit we eat of the tree of life and produce the fruits of the spirit. This also is too wonderful for words. We look to our Lord in confident expectation and the knowledge that he will never leave or forsake us ‘forever’. No-one else can promise forever, only the Most High Eternal Creator/Father/God. This unquestionable assurance is too wonderful for words.
God is too wonderful for words and so are you my Kochana, Kochany