© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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True Love Ways

Posted on Dec 2, 2019 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

You had true love ways with me the first time you spoke my name. It was unmistakable. Your words went to the core of my being. You knew me when we met and I knew you. You were attentive to my needs, wants, dreams and hopes. From the beginning you wanted to discuss my thoughts. You actually listened to me as I poured my heart, soul and mind out to you. You soaked up the free flowing stream of my personal expressions, as I released all the secrets of my soul to your listening heart and ears. My heart could hear your words of confidence and trust. You spoke to the totality of my being. Best of all, you loved, served and lived your life for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Father, the great I am. My own life/love manifestation was matched in the same manner that I was experiencing in your soul as well. It was a burning bush moment. Moses turned his attention to the burning bush not because it was aflame. He had seen a bush consumed by fire. He had never seen a bush with an intense flame that was not consumed. Such is the love of God. The mystery is the results of the flame (Holy Spirit) for in Christ, we are consumed with the love of God not by it. God is a fire that burns the dross (impurities/ungodliness) out of us. This restores life to our dying soul (from the destructive effects of separation from the only source of life) and renews our union with God. It was first our God and His Son, our Savior, who manifested and expressed ‘true love ways’. In the creation, Creator God and His Son Jesus Christ laid the foundations of the universe and earth to provide a perfect environment for man, His ultimate creation. He spoke them into being but the Word says that, ‘He formed man of the dust of the earth’. This is the most personal of all His work, for He lovingly made us with the infallible and matchless hands of a loving parent. He made us in His image and gave us authority over all the earth to administer His laws in justice and truth as we executed our God given duties. What a God we serve! He has all answers and He knows all the solutions to our most pressing problems and concerns.  Our love is like this burning bush. It is a flame of God after the pattern of that burning bush which caught the eyes of Moses, the servant and prophet of God Almighty.  No time, distance or circumstance can separate us for the God given flame of our love burns out all temptations and spiritual weakness as it purifies and eradicates that which would weaken and destroy our union in Him first and each other second. He gave us ‘true love ways’ which will burn triumphant all our days. Because we first love Father God and His Son Jesus Christ, the burning bush flame of our love will glorify His Holy Name and bless us all of our earthly days. My heart is filled with love for you, my love, my Kochana, for the promise and hope that we have in our ‘true love ways’.

Living in the blessings of our ‘true love ways’, Kochany


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