© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Understanding Comes at the End of the Mission

Posted on Apr 4, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

My sweet Ewa, my always understanding wife,

In Genesis 37:28 the brothers of Joseph at the suggestion of Judah, sold him to the Midianites as a slave who then sold him, for 20 pieces of silver, to Potiphar, an official of Pharoah in Egypt. Joseph was a good man and a devoted servant of God but he was again victimized by the wife of his master who begged him to lay with her. When he refused, she accused him of trying to seduce her and her husband had him thrown in prison. In prison he correctly interpreted a dream for the cup bearer and baker of pharaoh but the cup bearer failed to mention the plight of Joseph to the King of Egypt. God had given Joseph two dreams that his brothers, father and mother correctly understood. Joseph would rule over them. When Joseph told the family, he also told the devil who hears all that men speak, and always works to thwart the plan of God. The devil begins to work in the family, master, wife of the master, and cup bearer to keep Joseph from any and every opportunity to fulfill the revealed will of God. In this we know that God is God because He can even cause the best plans of the enemy to accomplish His fore ordained intentions. How could he ever be a ruler in the dungeon of pharaoh? God gave pharaoh a two part dream which the magicians of Egypt could not interpret. It was then that the cup bearer remembered that Joseph could interpret dreams. It was just the right time for Joseph to glorify God and gain his freedom. Here we see that if the cup bearer had remembered to speak for Joseph, he probably would have been back in Canaan his home land. But since he remained in prison, he was available to pharaoh when God gave him the dream. God, unknown to us, always places or keeps us in the exact place and situation required to perform the task He has assigned for the building of our charachter. Joseph told Pharoah that seven years of plenty would be followed by seven years of famine. Joseph was made second in command of the great nation of Egypt. Because the famine was throughout the land of Canaan as well, his brothers had to come to Egypt to buy food for their families and aged father. They unknowingly bowed down to Joseph (they didn’t recognize Joseph for he spoke to them through an interpter). As these events unfolded, the understanding of Joseph was opened and he told his brothers after the death of his/their father, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today”. Though Joseph began experiencing the plan of God when he was promoted out of prison to the second most powerful person in Egypt, the full knowledge of the plan of God required living the dream. In the life of Joseph and in our lives as well, complete understanding comes at the end of the mission. As we grow in faith, love and trust with each other, may our understanding and wisdom expand with our life, together as one, to the glory of God Most High.

Grateful for your understanding of me, Kochany


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