© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Waiting Upon the Lord

Posted on Sep 18, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

Eve my sweetheart,

Today you are discouraged because our children are in deep financial distress and we can’t deliver them from pain and suffering. Every mother naturally thinks to intervene on behalf of her adult offspring, hoping that in so doing she can protect them from loss and they will learn a valuable lesson. Scripture says just the opposite. We are told that if we deliver a fool from the consequences of errant behavior we will be forced to deliver them again. All men and women learn from error and wicked behavior by suffering the consequences. It is written ‘spare the rod (the rod of correction) and spoil the child.’ When we intervene to prevent the consequences of poor decisions we only (in actuality) defer the discipline of God. The resultant understanding derived from the punishment of God reinforces the ‘law of reaping and sewing’. When our children sew folly, wickedness or willfull disobedience, those seeds will surely bring forth the fruit of destruction (wealth, health or life). Each day God gives us a decision between life and death, blessing and cursing, sadness or happiness. We must ever work to withhold the hand of rescue when God is teaching our children through his unfailing law and love. Just as God has been merciful with us, He will also be merciful with the children He gave to us.
Kochana, your Kochany trusts our loving God to keep you and deliver you and the possessions which are designated to preserve our union in that task which is assigned to us. He will provide a way as we look to Him and follow in faith. As he delivers us, He likewise delivers our children even though they must certainly bear the consequences of inadvisable decisions and choices. It is time for the birth of the manchild. I believe His promise and know that He must glorify His name and Word by bringing all prophecies to pass. Let us never loose faith and doubt Him or each other. Every day I am waiting upon the Lord to redeem His own children and glorify His Holy name.

Yours in Christ, Kochany


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