© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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We Are not Diminished in Us

Posted on Feb 17, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized


How do we begin to describe or fully appreciate our union in us and our relationship with our loving Creator God Most High? One of the multitude of reasons that our love blazed with intensity and focus was that there were no hindrances to our love. The love union that our all-knowing God instilled in each of us ( one for another) had no individual barriers. Our union grew daily, because our individual wants, needs and dreams made us stronger as a person and did not diminish or take away from the living soul He designed and created us to be. The us that God gave to you and me, flourished in our spiritual, physical and material garden of peace, hope, love and creativity (we were made in the image of our creative, planning and thinking God). If I share a concern at table, God speaks through you with the wisdom to deal with that concern in a manner pleasing to God and acceptable to you and me. When you tell me, during one of our walks, a need of our children, our Lord gives me the understanding to tenderly respond to your pain and uncertainty that is balm for your wounds and suffering. The perpetual development of our love has proved over the years to always rise to the level and intensity of the threat of the hour with an effective remedy that is pleasing to the Most High God, appropriate for our needs and union; a solution that is greater than our human weakness that blinds us to the approved response of our Lord. We find that our faith, as individuals and in us ( our oneness in love ) continually draws us closer both to our God of Grace and to each other. We find that we are not diminished in us for our individual self is aligned first with the perfect will of God, second to us and last of all to ourselves. This is the perfect order of persons; God first, others second and ourselves last. This was the order of our Savior Jesus when he prayed, in The 17th chapter of John, for his disciples in his great hour of passion; his holy Heavenly Father first, his disciples and those of us who would later believe, and himself third. He asked that, “they might be one in us as I, Father, am one in you.” All that God, his father,created Jesus to be he could be in the oneness of his son-ship. He attained all his god given goals because he and his father were one. They walked, talked and communed in a oneness relationship (a type of us ) and Jesus Christ the person was not diminished as an individual. He was everything he could be and all that he ever truly wanted to be. Only a godly relationship can produce this type of union. It is the secret of his successful overcoming assault on satan and the powers of darkness and it is the secret of our union in Christ, each other ( us ) and as our own person. We are not diminished in us.

Let us always be one first in Christ and second in each other ( us) and last for ourself, Kochany


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