© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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We Were Interns in Love

Posted on May 6, 2019 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

We were accomplished professionals when our eyes first met, and then lingered momentarily as we walked to our respective duties. Your man wanted to look back. I liked what I saw, but without a proper introduction I stared straight ahead. I wondered at the unmistaken perception that you were equally interested in getting acquainted. We were both well adapted to the family, friendship, social and business relationships of life. However regarding knowing, learning, understanding and loving unconditionally we were interns. We knew this as we reached out to one another. The initial captivating eye contact was followed by infatuation when we passed in the halls, to or from meetings. When I discovered that an old friend worked in the office next to you, I made frequent visits to him with the sole intent of seeing you. I began to have lunch with friends who ate with you. Each meeting was a teachable moment, an opportunity to learn more about one another. This was the love of our lives. Everything mattered. We were focussed on each other. We began to understand, know, and perceive our individual reaction, word for word, before it was spoken in any given situation. We were learning the basics, fundamentals and mechanics of an enduring love relationship. We were interns, in love, working to build a bond of unity that could persevere, overcome and grow for the rest of our lives together. One might think that twenty plus years together would make us expert in being the perfect spouse, capable of anticipating all thoughts, hopes and yearnings of our one true love. Alas, my precious Ewa, your husband is still learning about you, your hopes, dreams and needs.  I am not discouraged, but rather I’m enthralled by the new possibilities that one more day together adds to our lives. Where our love is concerned, your man is still an intern in love. May we always crave to be together and cleave to one another. May our love glorify God, who taught us the meaning of true love by bringing us together after he created and fashioned us in such a manner  that we would complete our love puzzle when we came together as one. The Most High God is great! He prepared us for the grand moment we met, when we were interns in love.

I am happy to learn and love with you,Kochany


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