© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Written in the Book of Life

Posted on Apr 5, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

My God given help mate Eve,
The book of Revelation says that the books were opened and that every name (the name of Christ) which was written in the book of life was given eternal life. What is this book of life? Each man and woman is a walking, talking book of living events both good and evil. After we accept Christ as our personal Savior, He begins to transform us as we walk in obedience to His truths and revelations and trust faithfully in all that He instructs as he leads us in the Way of Life. As we follow Christ faithfully in obedience, we become more and more like Him. His teachings, instructions and counsel write goodness and life in our soul (book). As we read His written Word (the Bible) the word is internalized and the dead letter of the word becomes the Living Word of God. Each thought, deed, intention and word spoken is recorded within our book. At the final judgment, each book (soul) will be opened (judged as good or evil). A book (soul) filled with evil, ungodliness and war against God is, when it will be opened at the great judgment, a book of death (the absence of life). Those found in that condition will be condemned to eternal damnation (separation from God [life] forever). Those whose name (the name of Christ the son of God) is found in written in the book of Life will be forever with God throughout eternity in joy, praise and adoration. Just as when God sees the rainbow in the cloud, he will remember the great flood and never more destroy the earth with water, when God sees the Christ written in the book (soul) of a godly, Christ like man, He will not subject that soul to the second death. He will instead reward that soul with His eternal presence, which is Life everlasting. Kochana, ours is also Life everlasting as we continue to walk in His Way.

The Life of our Lord Jesus Christ shine in you always, Kochany


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