© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Yes and No – A Binary System

Posted on Mar 12, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

My lovely Eve, I’ve always loved your beautiful mind,

The first word we truly understood and learned was ‘no’. The insatiable curiosity of a baby must be held in check to prevent potentially painful and dangerous consequences. ‘No’ is the most repeated word a child hears because all choices involve results which are not catalogued and associated with cause and effect in the undeveloped mind of an infant. Logic is a process whereby one chooses the ‘yes’ answers which yield the correct solution and rejects the ‘no’ answers which preclude unwanted consequences.  The computer, which receives data and processes solutions, is patterned after the thought process of the human brain. ‘No’ is the term used in language to reject those possibilities which fail to produce the desired result. Thus the answer is either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ but never both ‘yes and no’. This is a mental, computer type binary system of sorts, which can be defined as a base-2 numeral system that represents choice values, where 1 equals ‘yes’ and 0 equals ‘no’ and each number is mutually exclusive of the other. We teach a baby the word ‘no’ so that it will associate it with unwise, painful or dangerous decisions and the resulting bad choices. Good is always ‘yes’ and bad is always ‘no’. In time a child learns that when their parent says ‘no’ the correct decision is ‘yes’ to the command of authority. Contrary to the physical world of flesh and blood, the spiritual world binary system is always ‘yes’ and ‘no’. We see this in the the choice Eve made in the Garden of Eden when tempted by the devil. Through deception, satan confused and beguiled Eve so that she failed to correctly solve the riddle presented to her. When she said ‘yes’ to the serpent (the lowest power), she simultaneously said ‘no’ to God (the highest power). God gave man (male and female created He them) a will like the will of God, which man is to align with God (a yes to God) when a choice is made. However a decision is made when we align our will with God which results in the only choice which can be made when one aligns his will with God, which is a ‘yes’ to God and a ‘no’ to Satan. A good decision presents only positive choices which negate the possibility for error. Eve failed to understand that the root of her discourse with the evil devil was a not a choice  of how to feed her body but a decision concerning spiritual food, of who was telling the truth. {Beware decisions veiled as choices. It is the primary tool of the the devil, that great deceiver and liar, the enemy of our souls and the perpetrator of rebellion and war against the Most High God.} God said ‘you will die if you eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil’ but the serpent (satan, the devil) lied when he said, ‘you won’t surely die’. Thus all spiritual decisions and choices are both a ‘yes’ and a ‘no’. Our goal is Life and Life is always saying ‘yes’ to God and at the same time saying ‘no’ to the devil. Death (separation from God) is always the result of any ‘yes’ to the devil. We can never agree with him because he is always against God. Jesus Christ always decided to walk with His Father God and he willfully chose to align his will with the perfect will of His Holy Father. Scripture admonishes us to, “Let your yes be yes and let your no be no,” meaning never conduct a discourse with the devil. May we correctly practice the spiritual ‘Yes and No’ binary system by only saying yes to God for that always means ‘no’ to our enemy the devil.

Yes, my Ewa, I love God and you, All my love, Kochany


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