© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Your Visage in the Iris Bouquet

Posted on May 3, 2019 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

It would seem that a man would grow accustomed to the beauty of his life companion, that the glow of her charisma would fade and the peace and satisfaction of spending time with the supreme woman of his affections would become common place. The rational mind can not understand the deep roots of godly, human affection. Our life is filled with a perpetual well spring of affection flowing with sweet waters of love that quench our daily thirst for companionship. It flows effortlessly from the heart of our true love and fills the need for oneness that two lovers sustain, perpetuate and become. Love is the catalyst that makes us one. It is the active agent that places its participants in delightful, willing and joyful union of bliss, hope and peace in heart, mind and soul. My darling Ewa, you are my love that keeps on giving, my hope that always lifts my spirits and my constant source of all that your man wants, needs and lives for. This morning I saw your visage through an Iris bouquet and my heart was smitten with happiness. What a picture that would have made! The beauty of your face smiling through the lovely flowers of your hand picked arrangement. Your visage in the Iris bouquet is indelibly displayed in my minds eye. It pleases my heart, comforts my soul and lifts my spirit. More lovely than the flowers of the garden are you to me, my love. Thank you for being. God gave you to us and me.
May we glorify the Most High God with the purity of our affections,Kochany


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